Serfdom System In Estonia: Overview And Swedish Influence

  • David Ramiro Troitiño
    Universidad de Tecnología de Tallin david.troitino[at]
  • Tanel KerikmÄe
    Universidad de Tecnología de Tallin
  • Archil Chochia
    Universidad de Tecnología de Tallin


This article is based on a research about the serfdom system in Estonia and how the Swedish domination influenced the daily life of the Estonian peasants. The relevance of this topic emanates from the Estonian peculiarity determined by the national essence of the system because the farmer frame was formed exclusively by national Estonians and because of the socially advance Swedish actions. The current territory of Estonia was occupied for several foreign people and powers, as the Baltic Germans, the Danish, Swedes, even for a short period Polish and Russians. Still currently the Swedish period is referred as the golden times, or the good Swedish time, because it has a positive print of the serf’s lives. The research reveals these differences and exposes them with several temporal comparisons with other parts of Europe. 
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