Royal Policy and the Transfer ot the Consulado under the Old Regime


The abrupt transfer of the Casa de la Contratación and the Consulado de Cargadores a Indias from Seville to Cádiz in 1717 opened a political struggle between the two cities that would not be completely resolved until the enlightened absolutism of the Marqués de la Ensenada imposed its will. This struggle witnessed old regime politics at both their best and their worst. The present work seeks to analyze the several manifestations of this competition as well as the broader settings in which they occurred. While the new absolutism first appeared through the abad Alberoni in the original transfer and again through its affirmation by the duque de Ripperdá, with the hand of Queen Isabel not far beneath the surface, the traditional culture of consultation and compromise would eventually emerge and permit Seville to retain important powers until much later. Then, in a new era with much different priorities, which were heavily influenced by the coming of the War of the Asiento, royal absolutism as personified by Ensenada and his immediate predecessors would strip Sevilla of its remaining rights and at long last complete the transfer that had begun over twenty-six years before. 
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