Asturias Enlightenment: The Economic Society of Friends of the Country


The Economic Society of Asturias was an instrument of enlightened reformism which should act in a region with severe economic backwardness. Born in 1780 at the initiative of Campomanes, it responds to Matritense model, focusing on economic development and popular education. Designed around the possibilities of development offered by the coal, was finally oriented to promote agricultural growth, according to the interests of the educated elite of Asturias, mainly composed by members of the nobility and clergy. The industrial promotion efforts were focused on the popular industry, centered in the linen, mining and metallurgical techniques, but it met with little success. Because of the existing poverty, the Society developed a new secular charity, while education was limited to a School of Drawing and four sewing schools for women. In short, the Society was unable to lead the region’s economic takeoff, which delayed still several decades.
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Faya Diaz, M. de los Ángeles. (2013). Asturias Enlightenment: The Economic Society of Friends of the Country. Studia Historica: Historia Moderna, 34, 333–372. Retrieved from


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Author Biography

María de los Ángeles Faya Diaz

Universidad de Oviedo
Facultada de Geografía e Historia. Universidad de Oviedo. Campus de Humanidades - C/ Teniente Alfonso Martínez s/n - 33011 - Oviedo (España