The Fortune of Cities, 1500-1700


This article examines the economic evolution of the Spanish cities from 1500 until 1700, considering the close relationship that exists between demographic and economic growth within them. The essay also takes into account the evolution of the levels of urbanization as an indication of the periods of different strength in the urban economic activity. Accordingly, the author peruses the evolution of the different sectors of the urban economy (finance, trade, industry) trying to explain the influence of each of them upon the evolution of the urban network, highlighting at the differences that occur both at the chronological and regional levels.
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Gelabert González, J. E. (2012). The Fortune of Cities, 1500-1700. Studia Historica: Historia Moderna, 34, 25–59. Retrieved from


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Author Biography

Juan Eloy Gelabert González

Universidad de Cantabria
Dpto. Historia Moderna y Contemporánea. Edificio Interfacultativo. Avda. de los Castros, s/n - 39005 Santander (España)