Sources for the study of collective violence in Early Modern Navarre: the value of the judicial documentation


During the Old Regime we attended in Kingdom of Navarre of the constant presence of disorders that alter the public order.The assignment of this article is to demonstrate that the study of these phenomena can be realised of a satisfactory way if we resorted to the judicial processes. Thanks to these sources of file the elementary characteristics of these events can be reconstructed helping to the historians to select their true background. Nevertheless, in this work also it is tried to approachthis type of documentation showing not only the advantages that takeimplicit their use, but as well the disadvantages that lock up. Althoughover everything the numerous benefits prevail that allow to obtain this type of sources to the investigators when they decide to confront the studyof past times.
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Ruiz Astiz, J. (2012). Sources for the study of collective violence in Early Modern Navarre: the value of the judicial documentation. Studia Historica: Historia Moderna, 33, 261–287. Retrieved from


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