Technological backwardness and innovation in iron industry of Gipúzcoa during the Ancien Régime


During so long, historiography has considered that Basque iron industry, also Gipuzkoan iron industry, suffered a clear «technological backwardness», anchored in direct methods, while the indirect one was wide spreading around the world. The aim of this article is to make a diachronic analysis about the technological evolution of mentioned activity, from the 13th to the 19th centuries, focusing on the innovation attempts, going deep to the real reasons which are behind their success or their failure, and on the continuities. In short, it tries to clarify mentioned concept.
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Aragón Ruano, Álvaro. (2012). Technological backwardness and innovation in iron industry of Gipúzcoa during the Ancien Régime. Studia Historica: Historia Moderna, 33, 235–259. Retrieved from


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