Relatives, friends and patronage. Network, mobility and social reproduction in the bourgeoisie and oligarchy at the end of the Ancien Régime (Albacete, 1750-1808)


This work tries to analyze the social relations of four families belonging to the elite of power and to the middle class in a town in growth as like it is Albacete at the end of the Ancien Régime. Our intention has been to approach us all the actions that these personages carry out in protocols, lawsuits, and the image that of them give censuses, registers and relations us of wealth. All this has been realized with the study of his family strategies and of the social network. With them one has discovered how the kinship and the patronage system have an important role in his processes of reproduction and social mobility, as well as in the institutional changes that started being glimpsed at the end of the Early Modern Age.
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Gómez Carrasco, C. J. (2011). Relatives, friends and patronage. Network, mobility and social reproduction in the bourgeoisie and oligarchy at the end of the Ancien Régime (Albacete, 1750-1808). Studia Historica: Historia Moderna, 29, 427–464. Retrieved from


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