From the private administration of city incomes to their Communal administration in the city of Leon in the XVIIIth Century


We focused on the change in the administration of incomes of the city of Leon and its outskirs in the XVIII century, because of this change the administration of the incomes passes from one particular person to the community of neighbours in the city due to the regents of the council neglect of their duties. In this maner we are trying to unravel the development of this procedure, most importantly we are focusing in the dynamic of neighbourooh meetings and the election process of those in charge of administrating aforementionated incomes.
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Bartolomé Bartolomé, J. M. (2011). From the private administration of city incomes to their Communal administration in the city of Leon in the XVIIIth Century. Studia Historica: Historia Moderna, 31, 305–323. Retrieved from


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Author Biography

Juan M. Bartolomé Bartolomé

Universidad de León
Profesor titular. Departamento de Historia.UNIVERSIDAD DE LEÓN. Facultad de Filosofía y Letras. Departamento de Historia. Campus de Vegazana, s/n 24071 LEÓN (España).