he Future as Farce: Reflexive Impotence and Repetition of History in Contemporary Mainstream Dystopia


Over the course of time, dystopias have become one of the prevailing modes of approaching a critique of reality. In the 21st century we witness a new boom in the genre, in which the relationship between crisis and dystopia has become closer. The threats that loom over our times (among which military conflicts, economic crisis, ecological emergency and rising right-wing populism are the most noteworthy), are captured in these dystopias in the form of images such as those of ruins or totalitarianisms. Thus, and following the premise of the repetition of history, dystopias turn to the past of the Western world as a way of lecturing about the present, in order to avoid the same mistakes of previous times. However, in this reified repetition of history, dystopian images tend to avoid the connections that link it not only to the present crises but also to the future dystopian debacle. To this end, we understand that the recurrence of history collaborates to its oblivion, thereby reinforcing the «reflexive impotence» which characterizes our times, according to Mark Fisher (2018). In order to confirm such hypotheses, this article aims to inquire into some of the main tropes of the most successful cinematic dystopias of our times, in an attempt to elucidate the discourses behind such reification.
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Rey Segovia, A.-C. (2023). he Future as Farce: Reflexive Impotence and Repetition of History in Contemporary Mainstream Dystopia. El Futuro Del Pasado, 14, 123–150. https://doi.org/10.14201/fdp.30206


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