mages of a Too-Near Future: The Inscription of the Dystopian in Present-Day Spain


The study of dystopias, just as, more generally, that of the utopian phenomenon, is an essential source for the analysis of our societies, both past and present. The fictitious character of their narratives, as well as the positive or negative idealization of non-existent and unrealizable scenarios, veils a whole series of concrete expectations that shape and articulate the spirit of humanity. This article seeks to analyse the potential meaning and historical value of works within the current Spanish dystopian production, which has developed around a series of stylistic and narrative patterns that share the norms of the genre, but has a series of attributes that are peculiar to the specific context to which they belong. After considering the historical conditions in which they have been produced, the article approaches their analysis on the basis of two of the spheres that frame the different types of conflicts and threats that constitute the focus of the fears and anxieties of their respective authors. The first if the transformation of the city into and oppressive and distressing space in which community ties are on the verge of dissolving. The second is the transformation of urban spaces into fields for the enforcement of totalitarian regimes founded upon the control and submission of individuals.
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