New Students, New challenges and Different Resources: A Digital Book for the Teaching of Ancient History

  • Víctor Sánchez Domínguez
    Escuela Universitaria de Osuna vsanchez1[at]
  • Alfonso Álvarez-Ossorio Rivas
    Universidad de Sevilla
  • Fernando Lozano Gómez
    Universidad de Sevilla


This contribution presents the results of the teaching Innovation projects managed by members of the Ancient History department in 2011 and 2017 to generate new learning dynamics of our subjects and change the materials we use in them in order to modernize them and adapt them to the new needs of the students. The first of the projects carried out a research work in order to identify the needs at the content level of the students of the Fundamentals of History subject in the Primary Education degree. The second focused on creating a new model of university manual appropriate to the Needs of these students as well as other grades in which the Department teaches.The objectives we set ourselves were to identify the characteristics of the students and their level of knowledge, assess the learning process, identify the main difficulties they face in the content of our subjects, design new materials to solve them and assess the degree of success thereof. For this, we designed a questionnaire that was passed to all the groups that take the course, having the luck to have a significant sample of between five hundred and six hundred students and for several years, we tried to design the new materials that came out in the form of an e-book. and published thanks to the teaching innovation project of 2016/17 and that began to be used in the 2016/17 period, presenting an increase in the pass rate and allowing us to reflect on the need to continue the process of content, material and methodologies for these subjects.
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Sánchez Domínguez, V., Álvarez-Ossorio Rivas, A., & Lozano Gómez, F. (2019). New Students, New challenges and Different Resources: A Digital Book for the Teaching of Ancient History. El Futuro Del Pasado, 10, 343–372.

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