Teach the City through History, a Social Sciences Textbooks Analysis


Teaching the urban environment in recent years has become relatively important due to the great expansion of cities and the population that inhabits them worldwide. However, as content to teach does not appear in the Spanish Primary Education Decree.All thisdoes not detract from its importance, the city is taught from other perspectives,fundamentally linked to the teaching of history in its different periods.This work aims to know how the city is taught in the Social Sciencestextbooks of Spanish Primary Education through history. The methodology used is mixed, qualitative and quantitative.For the textbook’sanalysis, a grid with four categories has been designed.In the first, the general data and identification of the school manual are presented.In the second, technical quality and internal organization are analyzed.The third category, called «The city in the school manual», aims to perform an interpretative analysis of the contents through the ideas that are transmitted and the degree of deepening in the teaching-learning process.The type of didactic resources selected is also analyzed, using Bloom’s revised Taxonomy.The last category has a reflexive character, trying to highlight the criteria and principles applied to the design and the way in which the manual deals with the contents about the city.
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