The Places of the Concept of Nation in the Narrative of Young Students of the City of Ponta Grossa: Past, Present and Future


Part of a research project of national scope entitled «o país e o mundo em poucas palavras: narrativas de jovens sobre seus pertencimentos – implicações para o ensino de Ciências Humanas», this paper brings the results of the analysis of 277 answers of students inserted in four stages of formal education of the city of Ponta Grossa, Paraná, Brasil. The issue «please, tell the history of your country» was directed to students enrolled in institutions of Elementary, Middle, Higher and Postgraduate Studies and collected from questionnaires of a qualitative nature. The analysis of the answers occurred from the arrangement of the data collected in a semantic network of graphs elaborated for visualization in cloud, which allows the examination of evocations and relations established between the keywords within the narrative set. The senses given to the past, the agents of history and the place of the narrators themselves were the research-focused elements that dialogue with the concepts of historical consciousness (Rüsen, 2007) and master narrative (Carretero; Van Alphen, 2014). As results, we bring a panorama that encompasses the elements that are mobilized in this narrative, its general characteristics: the senses given to history, and the place where students place the nation in the past (history), present (narrative), and future, from their expectations and longings.
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