To Learn from the Historical Experience: Teachers’ Representations about the Use of Oral History as a Didactic Strategy

  • Belén Meneses Varas
    Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona profesora.belen.meneses[at]
  • Neus González-Monfort
    Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona
  • Antoni Santisteban Fernández
    Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona


This article discusses the results of a qualitative research of the historical experience (HE) as a fundamental aspect of the student’s construction of the historical knowledge. The goals of this study were: to define the meaning of the HE from the perspective of the didactic of social sciences, recognize its relationship with the development of the historical thinking and learn how to develop it in the processes of teaching and learning. These goals were explored through the teachers’ representations of the concept of HE from their reflexions of their practice in the classroom when they used the oral history. This study used a qualitative interpretive approach, based in study of case, with a mixed methodology. The data of thirty-three respondents to questionnaires and eight in depth interviews were analyzed.The results indicated that the teachers’ representations of the HE were associated to three dimensions: experiential, cognitive and applied. It was found that in the processes of the teaching and learning these three dimensions have to function in a dynamic and inter-related way to be considered as HE. It is important to note that the HE can be linked to the historical thinking as an essential aspect for the development of the competencies and the facilitation of the student’s personal agency in the constructions of the his/her historical knowledge. The ways to develop the HE in the processes of teaching and learning are through the use of the following resources, the use of testimonial, historical interpretation and active methodologies oriented to the civic participation.
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