Reflections about social funcion of history: Hosbawm, Thompson and Kocka

  • Álvaro Carvajal Castro
    Universidad de Salamanca carvajal[at]
  • Isaac Martín Nieto
    Universidad de Salamanca
  • Alejandra Sánchez Polo
    Universidad de Salamanca


Nowadays we have more ways than ever to disseminate historical knowledge. Because of that, it is important that we carefully consider what is, and what should be, the social function that historical knowledge fulfills. This article considers the issue from the point of view of the works of E. Hobsbawm, E. P. Thompson and J. Kocka, three historians within the realm of social history who, given their historiographical practice and life story, are key in our understanding of the problem.
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Carvajal Castro, Álvaro, Martín Nieto, I., & Sánchez Polo, A. (2011). Reflections about social funcion of history: Hosbawm, Thompson and Kocka. El Futuro Del Pasado, 2, 265–281.


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