MAIN Method for Planning, Applying and Disseminating Educational Innovation


Educational innovation is a creative process whose aim is to improve aspects related to learning. Therefore it provides a solution to certain problems or produces significant learning improvements. However, the creative nature of the innovation process makes it difficult to plan any innovative experience, foresee its results, follow an efficient and effective application method and even transfer it. To alleviate this situation, the method MAIN (Method for Applying Innovation in educatioN) has been developed as a design method of educational innovation to allow its planning, application and dissemination. The objective of this work is to present this method as a set of structured steps that provides a preview of: the method to be used, the effort that will be needed, the technology that will support it and the forecast of its impact. It also facilitates the identification of activities to be carried out, in such a way that they serve as a guide for the application of educational innovation in a specific subject. The different modules of the MAIN method applied to a specific situation (passivity of students) are presented, with an educational innovation method that is currently a trend (Flip Teaching) and with an application strategy that allows to disseminate, in a scientific way, the innovation which has been done.
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Author Biography

María Luisa Sein-Echaluce

Unversidad de Zaragoza
Departamento de Matemática Aplicada, Universidad de Zaragoza, Campus Rio Ebro,Calle de María de Luna 3, 50018 Zaragoza, España