Digital games from teachers’ point of view. A didactic experience in Catalan Primary classrooms
Abstract This article presents a didactic experience for applying a digital game in Catalan classrooms of grades fifth and sixth of Primary Education. It explains and analyzes the effects of its implementation on the educational practice, taking the teachers’ viewpoint who participated in the experience. The paper is based on the digital game called Miquel Crusafont, a digital game supported by Generalitat de Catalunya. The study tries to understand the sense that such methodological innovation made for the selected group of eleven primary school teachers –of ages 24 to 52–. Interviews were done in order to see the teacher’s behaviours and to know their point of view. The results pointed that the teachers appreciated the potentiality of the digital game to develop diverse Math skills and encourage some collaborative learning activities. They also identified difficulties that obstructed the use of a digital game in classrooms: lack of time in the curriculum and some games in the market are not appropriate to teach or they do not have a user’s guide showing all the potentiality of the game.
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KEARNEY, C. (2011). European Schoolnet’s Games in Schools Study: The Current State of Play in European Schools and the Game Ahead. In F. Patrick (Ed.), Handbook of Research on Improving Learning and Motivation through Educational Games: Multidisciplinary Approaches (pp. 51- 73). Hershey: IGI Global.
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KENNY, R., & MCDANIEL, R. (2011). The role teachers’ expectations and value assessments of video games play in their adopting and integrating them into their classrooms. British Journal of Educational Technology, 42(2), 197-213.
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PERROTTA, C., FEATHERSTONE, G., ASTON, H., & HOUGHTON, E. (2013). Games-based Learning: Latest Evidence and Future Directions. Slough: NFER.
PARIS, S., LIPSON, M., & WIXSON, K. (1983). Becoming a Strategic Reader. Contemporary Educational Psychology, 8, 293-316.
VYGOTSKY, L. S. (1978). Mind in Society. Cambridge: Harvard University Press.
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