Adaptive learning in moodle: three practical cases

  • Dolores Lerís López
    Universidad de Zaragoza dleris[at]
  • Fernando Vea Muniesa
    Universidad de Zaragoza
  • Ángeles Velamazán Gimeno
    Universidad de Zaragoza


One of the most important challenges that the education will have to face is the need to adapt the learning process to the student’s characteristics. Nowadays it is still noticed the weak technological support and the few personalised learning practices. Two main types of e-learning platforms have been developed for last years: Learning Management Systems (LMS) and Adaptive Educational Hypermedia Systems. Both lines of development are converging so that the new versions of the LMS incorporate adaptive capacities that are allowing to design individualized or differentiated instruction. In this paper the adaptive functionalities available in Moodle are checked. It is explained how to implement three adaptive instructional designs in Moodle. Moreover, it is checked their effectiveness, in terms of the learning achieved by the student, and their efficiency, by reusing materials of previous learning experiences.
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Author Biographies

Dolores Lerís López

Universidad de Zaragoza
Profesora Titular de Universidad.Departamento de Matemática Aplicada.Escuela de Ingeniería y Arquitectura de la Universidad de Zaragoza. Campus Río Ebro, C/ María de Luna 3 - 50018 Zaragoza. Teléfono 976762178.

Fernando Vea Muniesa

Universidad de Zaragoza
Profesor Titular de Universidad.Departamento de Matemática Aplicada.Escuela de Ingeniería y Arquitectura de la Universidad de Zaragoza. Campus Río Ebro, C/ María de Luna 3 - 50018 Zaragoza. Teléfono 976762658. 

Ángeles Velamazán Gimeno

Universidad de Zaragoza
Profesora Contratada DoctoraDepartamento de Matemática Aplicada.Escuela de Ingeniería y Arquitectura de la Universidad de Zaragoza. Campus Río Ebro, C/ María de Luna 3 - 50018 Zaragoza. Teléfono 976762658