Role as a strategy games educational perceptions of teachers in training and high school students

  • Víctor Abella García
    Universidad de Burgos vabella[at]
  • Mario Grande De Prado
    Universidad de león


p { margin-bottom: 0.21cm; } Mass media have showed a negative image of role playing games in the United States and also in Spain. Murders, suicides and a certain grade of psychosis seems associated with the RPGs, at least on the newspapers. Curiously, these opinions, do not seem to correspond to the scientific investigations realized until now, neither with the legal choices dictated on related cases. This investigation analyzes quantitatively the opinions in a questionnaire of 133 young people.
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Abella García, V., & Grande De Prado, M. (2010). Role as a strategy games educational perceptions of teachers in training and high school students. Education in The Knowledge Society, 11(3), 27–54.


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