Impact of the emergency remote teaching and learning process on digital competence and mood in teacher training


COVID-19 has impacted the teaching and learning processes, underlying academic and emotional difficulties. The objective of the study is to analyze whether during emergency remote teaching and learning there have been significant changes in the mood and the digital competence of 89 teachers and 488 students of the Degrees of Early Childhood and Primary Education, and the Master's Degree in teacher training at Rey University Juan Carlos (Madrid), analyzed from their self-perception. Using a quantitative methodology and an ad hoc questionnaire, its internal and content validity has been measured by experts, analyzing aspects such as mood and stress before and during confinement, registering a significant increase in the average values. In both profiles, the sources of stress, anxiety, and workload have increased significantly, at the same time that some cognitive abilities have diminished. The attitude and motivation towards the online modality have decreased in both cases, especially in students, although the digital competence of both has increased. The study's main conclusion is the importance of knowing the impact of academic and non-academic factors in the online teaching and learning process. Therefore, the study can be valuable to face the possible changes towards online modality in these times of uncertainty, considering the factors analyzed. In addition, it is necessary to offer the educational community pedagogical-digital training together with training in emotion management and positive coping strategies for responding to these changes.
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Author Biographies

Marta Gómez-Gómez

Universidad Rey Juan Carlos
Education: Doctor in Pedagogy (UNED, Extraordinary Award), Graduate in Pedagogy (UCM), Diploma in Early Childhood Education (UCM), Master in Innovation and Research in Education (UNED) and Master in Neurodidactics (URJC). Teaching in the Infant Education Degree, Primary Education Degree and Master's degree in teacher training in Secondary Education, Baccalaureate, Vocational Training and Languages ​​at the URJC (Madrid), belonging to the Department of Education Sciences, from 2009 to the present . Docentia 2017: 91.82 (Excellent); Docentia 2020 (Excellent). The main lines of research and publications in magazines and books deal with technology applied to education, digital competence, innovation in teacher training, Learning-Solidarity Service (ApS) and Educational Social Responsibility. Participation in national and international conferences on innovation, ICT and SL. 1 Research triennium (2018 call). Direction of a multitude of research works on ICT applied to Education, active methodologies and innovation in teacher training. Participation in research projects of the Community of Madrid and the Ministry on technology applied to Education, in various Erasmus + Projects; member of the research groups of Fundamentals of Education and Educational Social Responsibility (FERSE) and of Innovation and Educational Improvement (IMEI); member of the ApS Service-Learning University Network Association (U); member of the Association Pro-Colegio Oficial de Pedagogía y Psicopedagogía of the Community of Madrid, etc. Awards: III Prize in the VII Edition of the Innovative Professors Award within the II URJC Educational Innovation Week (2020); Best Project for the Introduction of ICT in a center: "Project Learning Solidarity Service of transfer of learning in ICT from the university to the schools." SIMO Network 2013.

Raquel Hijón-Neira

Rey Juan Carlos University
Education: Computer Engineer and European Doctor in Computer Engineering from the URJC of Madrid, Spain (1999 and 2010 respectively). His doctoral thesis received the Best Thesis Award from the IEEE Spanish Chapter. Teaching in the Degrees of Bilingual Primary Education, Design and Development of Videogames, Computer Engineering and Master's degree in teacher training in Secondary Education, Baccalaureate, Professional Training and Languages ​​at the Rey Juan Carlos University (specialty: Computer Science and Technology). In the Degrees of Education he teaches the subjects "ICT in Education" and "Computer Science and Digital Teaching Competence". He is a founding member of the Laboratory of Information Technologies in Education (LITE) and is a member of the research group that participates in research projects of the Community of Madrid and the Ministry on technology applied to Education. His main research areas are software and innovation in teaching programming, educational technologies, digital competences and serious games.

Liliana Santacruz-Valencia

Rey Juan Carlos University
Education: Engineer in Electronics and Telecommunications (1996) and Doctor in Telecommunications from the Carlos III University of Madrid (2005). Teaching in the Degrees of Early Childhood and Primary Education of the subjects "ICT in Education" and "Computer Science and Digital Teaching Competence". Director of the Master in Teaching Digital Competence and Computational Thinking (URJC), aimed, among others, at future teachers. His main areas of research focus on the use of technologies such as augmented reality, for the development of applications aimed at improving teaching and learning processes and teaching digital competence. Member of the Laboratory of Information Technologies in Education (LITE) of the URJC and of the research group that participates in research projects of the Community of Madrid and the Ministry on technology applied to Education. Madrid.

Diana Pérez-Marín

Rey Juan Carlos University
Education: Computer Engineer (2002) and PhD in Computer Engineering and Telecommunications from the Autonomous University of Madrid (2007). Teaching: Professor in the Degrees of Early Childhood Education, Primary Education, Software Engineering and Design and Development of Videogames at URJC, Madrid. In the Degrees of Education he teaches the subjects "ICT in Education" and "Computer Science and Digital Teaching Competence". The main lines of research and publications of magazine articles and book chapters deal with technology applied to education, digital competence and innovation and ICT. Participation in national and international conferences on innovation and ICT. Participation as a member of a research group in research projects of the Community of Madrid and the Ministry on technology applied to Education.