The professor/tutor in an on-line/on-campus university teaching experience

  • Carolina Ugarte
    Universidad de Navarra cugarte[at]
  • Concepción Naval
    Universidad de Navarra


In recent years, within the framework of the European Higher Education Area, we have been witnesses to a growing interest in improving the education offered by universities. In addition, the world of business demands of the University that it provides educational possibilities that will allow students to acquire necessary professional competences. With this context as a reference, we offer here an experience derived from our own involvement in university teaching. The course in question is an "open elective course" (open to students from all degree programs), entitled Formation in Professional Skills (I and II). In this article, we discuss the methodology used in this course, paying special attention to one of its key elements, the professor/tutor.
  • Referencias
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  • Del mismo autor
  • Métricas
Ugarte, C., & Naval, C. (2019). The professor/tutor in an on-line/on-campus university teaching experience. Education in The Knowledge Society, 9(1).


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