The digital divide in the process of integration of the ict in the education. Gender differences between compulsory secondary education students of the valencian community

  • Bernardo Gargallo López
    Universidad de Valencia bernardo.gargallo[at]
  • Jesús Suárez Rodríguez
    Universidad de Valencia
  • Mª. Consuelo Belloch Ortí
    Universidad de Valencia


In this work gender differences in a representative sample of students of Compulsory Secondary Education of the Valencian Community with respect to the integration of the TIC in the education system are analyzed, from a univariate and multivariate perspective. These differences are studied with regard to availability and use of Internet, formation, attitudes and evaluation of their repercussions in the quality of the education. The data of the study reflect a certain digital divide favourable to the boys with regard to availability, use and formation. Nevertheless, the attitudes of the girls are still more favourable to the integration of the TIC that those of the boys, which induces to think that the existing digital division can be closed with facility if the policies and actions that are developed are oriented to compensate the existing differences.
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Gargallo López, B., Suárez Rodríguez, J., & Belloch Ortí, M. C. (2016). The digital divide in the process of integration of the ict in the education. Gender differences between compulsory secondary education students of the valencian community. Education in The Knowledge Society, 4(1).


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