Learning to learn in universities 4.0. Human Obsolescence and short-term change


The 4th Industrial Revolution has modified the model of society worldwide. Short-term change has taken hold of everyday life, and people who do not cope with it become obsolete. Under this scenario, the life and work of the university graduates became fickle since their near future grows in uncertainty. Thus, we aimed to shed light on human optimization pathways from Higher Education in the knowledge-based society and economy, which made possible a new industry. In this line, we conducted an analysis underpinned by critical hermeneutics from educational policy proposals, research findings, and analytical philosophy. After analyzing the context, the person, and the learning needs, we offered a clearer idea of the universities 4.0, where the ‘learning to learn’ meta-competence appears to be a key factor for working and living well. This meta-competence may lead to enable human optimization and overcome human obsolescence in a way in which people be increasingly valuable to invest their values in their communities. This paper includes some guidelines for Higher Education institutions to enhance organization and curriculum, according to the new model of society and the human conditions. The ideal of well-being, of what is better or convenient, is left to a necessarily subjective discussion, although not lacking in reasoned criteria for each moment and circumstance.
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