Erich Fromm and the educational relationship


In this article we will consider the link between the work of Erich Seligmann Fromm (1900–1980) and the educational relationship. Fromm contributed a fundamental humanist perspective to contemporary thought and his work was characterized by weaving together various cultural influences, such as the Old Testament, Buddhism, Marxism, Sociology and, of course, Psychoanalysis. The main objective of the present work is to specify how this relationship could be better understood, considering its main characteristics. The work of this emblematic author invites to reflect on various aspects related to education ranging from its concept, its purposes, as well as to different characteristics of a good educational relationship, a subject that we will address in this article. Fromm brings a singular and extremely interesting perspective that opens spaces for reflection from various aspects of human existence in his texts. In this study we have analyzed twelve of his books ranging from Escape from Freedom (1941), The art of loving (1956) or The art of listening (1995). This analysis has allowed selecting those contents linked with the educational relationship. Then we will focus on what Fromm understands by education and after specify what would be the most essential questions in an optimal educational relationship, and what should characterize it.
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