Analysis of the 'entrepreneur' concept and its incorporation into education


At present, many countries, whether developed or developing, are stimulating entrepreneurship education, due to its positive impact on socio-economic development. The inclusion of entrepreneurship as a basic competence raises interest, both among educators and researchers and beyond education. This paper analyses the term entrepreneur from a semantic and conceptual view. Its aims are, firstly, to show the origin and etymological evolution of the term, and, secondly, to analyze the intellectual tradition and the main theories converging in its significance. The methodology is an historical-interpretative analysis, and a bibliographic review of the authors that have influenced in the definition of the concept. The end prosecuted is to better understand the significance of the term and the values included in it, and also to make a contribution to the debate about its right application in educational environments. This analysis reveals the origin of some indicators related to the entrepreneurial competency, with the contribution of philosophical influences that have consolidated the entrepreneurship. It makes evidence of a strong economical identity that ignores the extended meaning of the term. The conclusion advocates for a recovery of the original sense of the term “entrepreneur”. It is also required to give a new value to those notes of the competency referred to the personal and social dimension. In this way, the education for entrepreneurship will better contribute to the construction of personalities with initiative and ability to cooperate.
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Author Biography

Arantxa Azqueta Díaz De Alda

Universidad Internacional de La Rioja (UNIR).
Facultad de Educación. Departamento de Teoría e Historia de la Educación. España.