Blood Donation and Citizenship Education. An approach from service learning and the Theory of Don

  • Josep M. Puig Rovira
    Universidad de Barcelona joseppuig[at]
  • Mariona Graell Martín
    Universidad de Barcelona
  • Gal·la Cortel Mañé
    Banco de Sangre y Tejidos de Cataluña


The altruistic donation of blood recommended by the World Health Organisation and carried out through blood banks not only contributes to providing the health system with an indispensable therapeutic element, it is also a means of fostering social integration and educating for citizenship. Within this general context, the article begins by arguing why altruistic donation is better than buying and selling blood and why the gift theory – developed by sociology on the basis of the work by Marcel Mauss – more than justifies the possibility of meeting the demand for blood in this way. On the basis of these considerations it can be said that blood banks are social institutions that perform three basic functions: technical, civic and educational. The article continues by examining the educational project undertaken by the Blood and Tissue Bank of Catalonia, which consists in a programme based on the methodology of service learning and which invites young people to cultivate and develop a communicative approach to promoting the altruistic donation of blood in their neighbourhood. The article concludes by evaluating the consolidation, effectiveness and degree of satisfaction of the project, and suggesting that this model can be used to form the basis of ideas for educational proposals of other social institutions.
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Puig Rovira, J. M., Graell Martín, M., & Cortel Mañé, G. (2014). Blood Donation and Citizenship Education. An approach from service learning and the Theory of Don. Teoría De La Educación. Revista Interuniversitaria, 26(2), 141–162.


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Author Biographies

Josep M. Puig Rovira

Universidad de Barcelona
Universidad de Barcelona. Facultad de Pedagogía. Departamento de Teoría e Historia de la Educación. Campus Vall d’Hebron. Passeig de la Vall d’Hebron, 171. 08035 Barcelona (España)

Mariona Graell Martín

Universidad de Barcelona
Universidad de Barcelona. Facultad de Pedagogía. Departamento de Teoría e Historia de la Educación. Campus Vall d’Hebron. Passeig de la Vall d’Hebron, 171. 08035 Barcelona (España)

Gal·la Cortel Mañé

Banco de Sangre y Tejidos de Cataluña
Banc de Sang i Teixits. Edificio Dr. Frederic Duran i Jordà. Passeig Taulat, 106 – 116 - 08005 Barcelona (España)