Some quality indicators in Pre-Primary Education


The finding of the true quality indicators in Pre-Primary Education is an objective that has not been fully reached so far, though there is an increasing amount of papers dealing with the topic. To bridge this gap we considered that we could turn to the opinion of the teaching staff about the quality of the Pre-Primary Education and the possibilities of improvement. The work we are presenting here is the result of discussions with doctoral candidates in Pedagogy in an Inter-University Programme that started in 2004 and in which there has been a comprehensive analysis of the documentary sources. In order to obtain the data we have given the participants a self-administered questionnaire based on a quantitative and qualitative methodology. The different options offered by the Lickert scales allowed us to get the opinion of the teaching staff in the different areas under study, whereas the Analysis of the Main Components allowed us to develop an interpretation of certain aspects.
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Lebrero Baena, M. P., & Fernández Pérez, M. D. (2010). Some quality indicators in Pre-Primary Education. Teoría De La Educación. Revista Interuniversitaria, 21(2), 195–225.


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Author Biographies

María Paz Lebrero Baena

Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia. Facultad de Educación. Departamento de Teoría de la Educación y Pedagogía Social. C/ Senda del Rey, 7. Edificio de Humanidades. 28040 Madrid (España).

María Dolores Fernández Pérez

Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia. Facultad de Educación. Departamento de Didáctica, Organización Escolar y Didácticas Específicas. C/ Senda del Rey, 7. Edificio de Humanidades. 28040 Madrid (España).