Remaking the education: the human development maps

  • Alfonso Fernández Herrería
    Universidad de Granada alfonsof[at]
  • Gabriel Carmona Orantes
    Universidad de Granada


In this article we present the base of a criticism to actual education, a proposal of reconstruction of the education conception, extending its meaning about the activity which makes the people grow, it improves the society life and the relation with the ecologic environment. From a concept of education like human development, and therefore, as a learning process throughout the whole life, the human development maps are the education maps. We need to walk the itinerary that are represented by these maps and enrich them from the human and transpersonal perspective, wishing to remove, as far as possible, the existing discomfort in education. The hopes that, decades ago, were put on it have become today disenchantments, disappointments, even distrusts and resentments. The education reforms continue without finding, apparently, any solutions to our problems.
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Fernández Herrería, A., & Carmona Orantes, G. (2010). Remaking the education: the human development maps. Teoría De La Educación. Revista Interuniversitaria, 21(2), 45–78.


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Author Biographies

Alfonso Fernández Herrería

Universidad de Granada
Universidad de Granada. Facultad de Ciencias de la Educación. Departamento de Pedagogía. Campus Universitario de Cartuja. 18071 Granada (España).

Gabriel Carmona Orantes

Universidad de Granada
Universidad de Granada. Facultad de Ciencias de la Educación. Departamento de Pedagogía. Campus Universitario de Cartuja. 18071 Granada (España).