The cinema like instrument of emotional alphabetization

  • María del Carmen Gutiérrez Moar
  • María del Carmen Pereira Domínguez
  • Luis Fernando Valero Iglesias


Education often has been identified, above all the information in the educational institutions, with a view of a person where the reason turns into the rule and control of everything. Therefore it has expected to work with the knowledge for a intelligence separated from everything that turns a person into human, into a living being that feels, is glad, suffers.In this way, the emotional sight has been underestimated when it has not been seen as suspicious or fearsome. (Maybe the reason is the repression, then the emotional and passionate world tremendously explodes). However, the person so-called to compose his cognitive, emotional and volutive dimensions. And prestigious contemporary psychologists have shown that integration in their emotional intelligence studies.Therefore, in this article, it is tried to collect the new conception about the emotion and its location in the human person and show the way to link it to the education, to the values formation with the cinema, that can arrive directly to the emotional sight of the person so-called to be received from the whole of the person and well-spent like a message, an educational and cultural communication.
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Gutiérrez Moar, M. del C., Pereira Domínguez, M. del C., & Valero Iglesias, L. F. (2009). The cinema like instrument of emotional alphabetization. Teoría De La Educación. Revista Interuniversitaria, 18.


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