Reconsidering educational theory and practice from the point of view of emotions


The aim of the work presented is to highlight the new scientific approach to emotional dimensions and their functions for personal and social development, as well as the new theoretical and practical consideration of education that this approach requires. The absence of structured and continuous training of emotions in the current educational system reduces the scope of integral education, which is proposed as an objective. The integration of thought, emotion and action is an essentially human characteristic, and must therefore be the basis of the educational act. The paradigm of emotional intelligence, through the theory of multiple intelligences, the contributions of neuroscience and the cognitive and humanistic tradition, has deep pedagogical implications and is highly important to guide educational renovation. Emphasizing this change, which we consider fundamental for education, it is indispensable to reconsider teacher training.
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Darder, P., & Bach, E. (2009). Reconsidering educational theory and practice from the point of view of emotions. Teoría De La Educación. Revista Interuniversitaria, 18.


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