Towards an Ethical Framework of Artificial Intelligence in Education


This article reflects on the use of Artificial Intelligence in education from an ethical perspective. It does so from the external point of view, considering its impact on educational contexts, as a breeding ground for the ethical and political challenges that society faces. This allows us to measure its scope and depth and propose actions to address them. Its objectives focus on the ethical bases of Artificial Intelligence related to educational activity, seeking to identify: a) the opportunities, associated risks and its ethical impact on education; and b) the ethical principles that should guide the development, deployment and use of these intelligent systems. For this purpose, a qualitative study was carried out, supported by a bibliographic review methodology: (i) academic works on current uses and potential risks of Artificial Intelligence and (ii) a comparative analysis of different ethical codes, exploring the convergence of principles applicable to Artificial Intelligence Systems in educational contexts. The results obtained first place the identified problems in the ethical tradition and question the proliferation of subdomains of the discipline. The possibility of a unified ethical framework that avoids the overlap of principles for each specific domain is then investigated. The usefulness of a widely recognized and influential framework is confirmed, whose principles adapt well to the ethical challenges of education. It concludes by indicating the lines in which research should advance (I) ethical foundation and normative regulation for the development and use of Artificial Intelligence in education in accordance with the selected principles; and (II) definition of the new teaching professional profile and its implications for initial teacher training.
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