Research and Knowledge Transfer in Educational Sciences: An Issue of Social Justice


The existing literature seems to favour the University as a nucleus of development in its surrounding communities or environments, but the binomial research and transfer is increasingly questioned in different academic forums - and also outside the field of higher education - to a certain extent because The applicability of the results obtained in Faculties, research centers or institutes has not been seen, or has not been sufficiently disseminated. The purpouse of this work is to verify that educational research must be anchored in the socio-educational interests and be provided with sufficient strategies that allow its effective transfer in and for the community. To do this, we review and analyze of how the second and third mission of the University has been understood in scientific literature., to make a proposal within the framework of the social, environmental, or structural challenges that arise in the imminent future. Finally, what concerns us - and concerns us - is establishing new pathways that connect academia and society based on reciprocal meeting points, that is, where both parties participate in the process, although with different roles. In short, what we are talking about is promoting a more applied scientific culture, that is, what we investigate has an impact on the target group and they identify it as such. Therefore, we must show that science in general, and pedagogy in particular, are a way to achieve social justice based on research as an anchor that allows us to advance with solidity and epistemological consistency.
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