The Politics of Education in University Teaching: A Reflection on Its Relevance and a Proposal on Its Content


This article defends the need for the subject of Education Policy to be included in all university degrees in the field of education. It is based on the analysis of the subject and the problems that it has encountered in recent years of its development, including the great disaffection of young people for politics and the displacement of decision-making responsibility towards technical experts, who instrumentalize the educational purposes. To face these problems, it is proposed to rethink the notion of the political as content of that subject, in three determining aspects: as a relationship; the search for the common; and the proposal of an intelligent participation in the terms of a conversation about the two above. Politics arises within a relationship “between” individuals who talk about issues that are common to them, it addresses the discussion of what precedes decisions and must allow anyone to enter the conversation. In the case of Education Policy, this meeting should always be considered as a priority level of pedagogical analysis. Finally, some reflections on the specific value that the Education Policy classroom can bring to the training of future educators are included. Some conclusions are pointed out about the classroom space as the public space reserved to deal with the common and appropriate what as educators is our own, that is, the pedagogical analysis of the reality that happens to us.
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