Intercultural cartographies: educational processes and translation between cultures


This article aims to provide elements for discussion and reflection on pedagogical implications related to multiculturalism and the necessary but often forgotten, dialogue and translation processes between cultures associated with this term, so it helps to think about what is done and what should be done on their behalf educationally. In a first analysis, more generally, are made a series of reflections on the economic, social and the cultural policies from the «multi» and «inter» and subsequently the educational building from the transversal intercultural ethical space, so as to serve as a positioning and a shallow approach to the processes of translation and intercultural dialogue in the educational realities, sometimes as artificializated. From there it goes to frame and rethink the concept of intercultural and cross-cultural translation in the context of the theory of education, as this will give us opportunities to visualize and discern that not everything that is pigeonholed as the intercultural is. Finally, in light of the above, and with a constructive spirit, establishing a series of conclusions in the form of reflections and conditions for dialogue and the work of translation between cultures that allow us to improve open fertile spaces to improve theoretical frameworks, methodological and ethical educational practice consistent with the intercultural theoretical position taken here.
  • Referencias
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  • Del mismo autor
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S. Vila Merino, E. (2014). Intercultural cartographies: educational processes and translation between cultures. Teoría De La Educación. Revista Interuniversitaria, 25(2), 69–87.


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Author Biography

Eduardo S. Vila Merino

Universidad de Málaga
Facultad de Ciencias de la Educación. Departamento de Teoría e Historia de la Educación. Campus de Teatinos. 29071 Málaga (España)