Pedagogical guidelines for educational accompaniment for grieving to adults with intellectual disabilities

  • Pablo Rodríguez Herrero
    Universidad Autónoma de Madrid pablorodriguez[at]
  • Agustín De La Herrán Gascón
    Universidad Autónoma de Madrid
  • Dolores Izuzquiza Gasset
    Universidad Autónoma de Madrid


It is needed a foundation and some orientations to act in loss and grief situations with adults with intellectual disabilities. In this article, through a relevant literature review, we based the educational accompaniment as a pedagogic methodology of support with three principal elements: a) The conception of grief from its formative potential, b) The prevention of disorders associated to grief complications, c) The pedagogic intervention preferably from the tutorship or from the actuation of educators or professionals near to intellectual disabilities people. The educational accompaniment model is a proposal that can be placed on humanist models of grief since it considers both the characteristics of the grieving process and the formative possibilities of its elaboration. The article’s conclusions present some of the benefits of the educational accompaniment for adults with intellectual disabilities.
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Rodríguez Herrero, P., De La Herrán Gascón, A., & Izuzquiza Gasset, D. (2013). Pedagogical guidelines for educational accompaniment for grieving to adults with intellectual disabilities. Teoría De La Educación. Revista Interuniversitaria, 25(1), 173–189.

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Author Biographies

Pablo Rodríguez Herrero

Universidad Autónoma de Madrid
Universidad Autónoma de Madrid. Fundación Prodis. Bulevar Indalecio Prieto, 2 - 28032 Madrid (España)

Agustín De La Herrán Gascón

Universidad Autónoma de Madrid
Facultad de Formación del Profesorado y Educación. C / Francisco Tomás y Valiente, 3 - Universidad Autónoma de Madrid - 28049 Madrid (España)

Dolores Izuzquiza Gasset

Universidad Autónoma de Madrid
Universidad Autónoma de Madrid. Facultad de Formación de Profesorado y Educación. Departamento de Didáctica y Teoría de la Educación. Campus de Cantoblanco. Ctra. de Colmenar Viejo, km 15,5. 28049 Madrid (España)