Reflections about culture, identity and racism from a pedagogical glance

  • Pilar Arnáiz Sánchez
    Universidad de Murcia parnaiz[at]
  • Andrés Escarbajal Frutos
    Universidad de Murcia


Throughout our history there have always been communities with cultural differences in our country. We have never before, however, experienced such a fast and massive multicultural phenomenon as there is in our current historical period, which has resulted in the emergence of highly significant xenophobic and racist attitudes and episodes. This article analyses, therefore, the fundamental concepts that seem to explain this situation, such as culture, identity and racism, and highlights how globalisation processes should allow us to understand different cultures. Similarly, we argue that cultural identity should be included within a constellation of self-identities and not be seen as an ethnocentric shelter. Finally, we emphasise the importance of intercultural education, such as citizenship education, education for inclusion and citizen participation.
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Arnáiz Sánchez, P., & Escarbajal Frutos, A. (2013). Reflections about culture, identity and racism from a pedagogical glance. Teoría De La Educación. Revista Interuniversitaria, 24(2), 83–106.


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Author Biographies

Pilar Arnáiz Sánchez

Universidad de Murcia
Facultad de Educación. Departamento de Didáctica y Organización Escolar. Campus de Espinardo. 30100 Murcia (España)

Andrés Escarbajal Frutos

Universidad de Murcia
Facultad de Educación. Universidad de Murcia. Dpto. de Teoría e Historia de la Educación. Campus de Espinardo 30071, Murcia (España)