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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • The submission must be original and unpublished, nor should it have been submitted to other journals (or discussed within the Editor's Commentary).
  • The file must be in Microsoft Word format.
  • All available measures should be taken to ensure an anonymous revision of the text.
  • Where possible, the DOI should be provided for references, or, in its absence, the URL address. Use the following free reference tool for help:
  • There should be maximum of 8,000 words, including abstracts and bibliographic references. Use standard Times New Roman font size 12 and single line spacing. Indent the start of each paragraph by 0.5cm. Headings should be numbered, not indented and on a separate line without a full stop at the end. Use bold, capitalised and upper-case Times New Roman font size 12 with single line spacing. All illustrations, figures and tables should be located at the appropriate point in the text. The article should not contain uneditable images.
  • The Spanish abstract should be between 250 and 300 words. The article should include between 5 and 8 keywords
  • The text should follow the bibliographic requirements set out in “Guidelines for author(s).
  • The details of the metadata have been completed, including: Authors’ first and last name, email, ORCID link, institution and country. It is not necessary to fill in the biography section. Likewise, the Title and Abstract must be included both in Spanish and English.
  • The submitted originals make appropriate use of inclusive language according to the Report of the Royal Spanish Academy on inclusive language:
  • The submitted originals adequately report on whether the source data of the research takes gender into account, in order to allow the identification of possible differences according to the proposals of the European Commission in Gender:

Author Guidelines


Teoría de la Educación. Revista Interuniversitaria is an international academic journal on Pedagogy that publishes original, open access research articles from a theoretical perspective, as well as a methodology of education aiming at providing pedagogical knowledge to help researchers and professionals improve, through in-depth discussions, criticism, descriptions, explanations, interpretations and applications of educational thought and action.

The journal belongs to the Publication Services of the University of Salamanca. It is a biannual journal, with one issue published every 6 months. Submissions are permanently open, with original works welcomed in Spanish, English or Portuguese, as well as, in exceptional circumstances, proposals in other languages.

The rejection rate in 2022 was 84 % (more information at:
The rejection rate in 2021 was 87.3 % (more information at:

The rejection rate in 2020 was 82 % (more information at:

The rejection rate in 2019 was 78 % (more information at:

The rejection rate in 2018 iwas 75% (more information at: http: //                                                                              



1. The work should be original and unedited and should not be undergoing revision for publication in other journals. The journal applies an anti-plagiarism program to each one of the originals received at Before publication, the text will be revised by two reviewers according to the "double blind" method, who will suggest changes if appropriate. Both reviewers will need to approve the article before it can be accepted. In the event of major discrepancies, the article will undergo revision by a third reviewer.

2. Authors should send their work "anonymously" through the journal's digital platform. The original text will be edited according to the following guidelines, including the seventh edition of the APA style guide:

 2.1. The TITLE OF THE ARTICLE should be in Spanish, using standard, capitalised and bold Times New Roman font size 12. It should be unjustified and use single line spacing. An English translation of the title should be provided after a 12 point line break. It should be in italicised, lower case Times New Roman font size 12, unjustified and with single line spacing.

2.2. A 250-300-word RESUMEN in Spanish should be included beneath the title, in standard Times New Roman font size 10, using single line spacing with the first line indented by 0.5cm. When possible, follow the IMRAD structure (Introduction, Methods, Results and Discussion). Following a 6-point line break, 5 to 8 keywords should be provided in Spanish and separated by semi-colons. These should be in italicised, lower case Times New Roman font size 10 and use single line spacing. Keywords must be taken from International Thesaurus' (e.g. Eurydice, ERIC, UNESCO).

2.3. After a further 24-point line break, an ABSTRACT and Keywords should be provided in English, using the same style as the Spanish RESUMEN and Palabras clave.

2.4. The main body of the text should follow the above, with a minimum of 6,500 words and a maximum of 8,000 words, including the abstracts and references. Use standard Times New Roman font size 12, with single line spacing and no spaces before or after paragraphs. Indent the start of each paragraph by 0.5cm. Headings should appear on a new line, 24 points below the previous paragraph. They should be numbered and not indented, using single spaced, bold and capitalised Times New Roman font size 12, and without a full stop at the end. If there are sub-headings, these should be on a new line, 12 points beneath the heading and numbered according to the number of the heading. They should not be indented and use lower case, italicised Times New Roman font size 12 with single line spacing. Sub-headings should be indented by 0.5cm in standard font and not italics. Bold and underline should not be used in the body of the text. No details or references that could identify the author(s) should be used in the text (please "anonymise").

2.5. Unlike the headings, the list of REFERENCES should not be numbered and should appear at the end of the article. They should follow the seventh edition of the APA style guide and be ordered alphabetically by surname, indicating the name of all authors, with a 0.5cm hanging indentation, using Times New Roman font size 10, single line spacing and no spaces before or after each reference. The DOI, if available, should be included at the end of each reference, or, in its absence, the URL code. Use the following free reference tool for help:



Biesta, G. (2017). The Rediscovery of Teaching. Routledge.

Masschelein, J. & Simons, M. (2014). In defence of schools. A Public Issue. Miño & Dávila.

Drerup, J., Graf, G., Schickhardt, Ch. & Schweiger, G. (Eds.) (2016). Justice, education, and the politics of childhood: challenges and perspectives. Springer.


Saito, N. (2017). Criticism of Criticisms. Educational Theory, 67(5), 599-604.

A chapter within a book:

Pirrie, A. (2016). Re-imagining educational theory. In A. Fulford & N. Hodgson (Eds.), Philosophy and Theory in Educational Research. Writing in the margin (pp.84-91). Routledge.

Website references:

OECD (2018). Preparing our Youth for an Inclusive and Sustainable World. The OECD PISA Global Competence Framework. 

2.6. In-text references to other works should include the author and year of publication, in brackets, separated by a comma (Biesta, 2017). If there is more than one author, they should appear consecutively and separated by semi-colons (Biesta, 2017; Burbules, 2016). If citing multiple works published in the same year by the same author, distinguish them using letters (Simons, 2015a, 2015b). In-text references should include page numbers, even if a hard-copy was not used (Biesta, 2017, pp. 33-39).

2.7. Quotes should appear in speech marks and be followed by the reference, including the surname of the author, year of publication and corresponding page numbers (Burbules, 2016, p. 563). Quotes should only appear on a new line if they are longer than 40 words, following a 6-point line break, indented by 0.5cm, justified, without speech marks and using size 10 font. The reference should follow the quote and include the author, year and page number(s).

2.8. Footnotes should appear at the bottom of the page and be numbered consecutively according to the format automatically set by Word. They should be in Times New Roman font size 10 and single spaced. Only include footnotes which are strictly necessary in order to clarify points. They should not include quotes in any circumstances.

2.9. Tables, graphs and images should be accompanied by a corresponding title and legend and numbered consecutively.

2.10. Authors should provide a separate document through the digital platform, under "Additional and Complementary files", which includes the name and surnames of the author(s), place of work, country, email and ORCID. First names should be in lower case and surnames in upper case, using standard Times New Roman font size 11. Indicate the place of work and country on a new line without a space before or after, in italicised Times New Roman font size 11. Underneath, provide an email address in italicised Times New Roman font size 11, with no space before or after the line of text. On a new line with no space before or after, include the author(s) ORCID in italicised Times New Roman font size 11. It is necessary to include this same information in the Metadata. If there is more than one author, use the below format:

*Universidad de Oviedo. España.;;

**Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona. España.

 3. Recently published book reviews can also be included, exclusively on theoretical topics about education and between 1200 and 1500 words, using the same font, size, and line spacing as the body of the text. The name and surname of the author(s) of the work should appear at the end of the text. Reviews should be headed with the book's details using the following style:

Touriñán, J.M. (2014). Dónde está la educación: actividad común interna y elementos estructurales de la intervención. Netbiblo, 861 pp.

5. The authors make appropriate use of inclusive language according to the Report of the Royal Spanish Academy on inclusive language.

6. The submitted authors adequately report on whether the source data of the research takes gender into account, in order to allow the identification of possible differences according to the proposals of the European Commission in Gender in research

7. Any work that does not strictly follow the above guidelines will be rejected.

8. The journal will acknowledge receipt immediately and either the acceptance or rejection of the article within a period of no longer than three months. When an article is accepted and "requires changes", the author should upload a copy of the updated text on the digital platform, using track changes to highlight changes made according to the reviewers' comments. This version must include the author(s) full details as indicated above in subsection 2.10.

9. The publication of an article does not entitle its author(s) to any form of remuneration. Authorisation from the journal is required for any reproduction. 


Guidelines updated in May 2022

Privacy Statement

All names and email addresses included in this journal will be used exclusively for the purposes declared by the journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other person.