Bosquescuela. A model for sustainable learning in nature

  • Philip Bruchner
    Centro Bosquescuela Cerceda, Cerrillo de Agustín, s/n 28412 Cerceda (Madrid) philip[at]
  • Antonio Aragón Rebollo
    Centro Bosquescuela Cerceda, Cerrillo de Agustín, s/n 28412 Cerceda (Madrid)


Bosquescuela is an educational model where the curriculum is developed in nature and where nature provides the environment for learning. In other words, different pedagogical activities take place outside (forest, countryside, beach, urban areas). The two underlying ideas are that 1) The natural environment offers everything children require for an adequate and balanced development. 2) Curiosity is one of the main driving forces for learning. The organisation of the daily classes includes periods of psychomotor development in the form excursions where they can run, climb, get to know the environment, invent games, and get started in reading, writing and mathematics using naturally occurring elements such as stones, sticks, leaves, etc. The only infrastructure that is needed is a cabin to provide shelter. Lastly, it should be noted that the Bosquescuela Project is an example of a sustainable school in both it’s physical structure and in it’s running. As such it strives to implement the Sustainable Development Goals (sdgs) adopted by the United Nations. Bosquescuela contributes directly to sdg 4 concerning quality education, sdg 13 which considers climate action to be humanity’s biggest challenge for the 21st century, sdg 15 that pledges protection for terrestrial ecosystems and sdg 17 which states the need for creating partnerships to achieve the goals.
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Author Biographies

Philip Bruchner

Centro Bosquescuela Cerceda, Cerrillo de Agustín, s/n 28412 Cerceda (Madrid)
Philipp Bruchner. Fraunhoferstr. 8, A-86399 Bobingen. Alemania. Contacto Institución: Centro Bosquescuela Cerceda, Cerrillo de Agustín, s/n. 28412 Cerceda (Madrid).

Antonio Aragón Rebollo

Centro Bosquescuela Cerceda, Cerrillo de Agustín, s/n 28412 Cerceda (Madrid)
Antonio Aragón Rebollo. Calle Villafuerte, 15. 47008 Valladolid. Centro Bosquescuela Cerceda, Cerrillo de Agustín, s/n. 28412 Cerceda (Madrid).