The Education Inspection in the European Union

  • Francisco Javier Galicia Mangas
    Inspector de Educación. Zaragoza Facultad de Derecho. Universidad de Zaragoza fgalicia[at]


This article briefly studies the Education Inspection in the framework of the European Union. There is no doubt about the fact that, in this space, there is a plurality of systems and educational policies, which also explain the diversity of Inspectorate models. Thus, we may find countries where the Inspectorate is carried out by the civil servant corps integrated in the Administration itself; and others, in which supervision or inspection is shared or performed by external agents. In turn, even in those models or countries where there is an Education Inspectorate, the diversity of organizational structures is also evident: centralized models, although with scattered territorial structures, such as France and Italy; and decentralized models, such as the German or the British, in which autonomy is granted to local entities with authority in the field of education. Diversity, then, with a common element, since supervision is of great value for the improvement of the quality of education.
  • Referencias
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Author Biography

Francisco Javier Galicia Mangas

Inspector de Educación. Zaragoza Facultad de Derecho. Universidad de Zaragoza
Facultad de Derecho. Universidad de Zaragoza