A burlesque and inclement satire on the educational sphere in the Franco’s Dictatorship


This paper is a review of Guillermo Castán’s novel El orden de las cosas [The Order of Things], which narrates the repressive regime that prevailed in Piarists› classrooms and in other institutional spheres under Franco’s Dictatorship in Spain. The paper intends to offer: 1) an assessment of the novel’s literary qualities, and 2) a favorable view of the novel’s sociological value as a tool to better understand, through its burlesque approach, the Spanish education system, particularly in some Catholic religious schools, in the 1950s and 1960s.
  • Referencias
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  • Métricas
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Cuesta, R. (2018). A burlesque and inclement satire on the educational sphere in the Franco’s Dictatorship. Aula, 24, 107–115. https://doi.org/10.14201/aula201824107115


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