The heritage school in the Asturias museums

  • Carmen Diego Pérez
    Universidad de Oviedo cdiego[at]
  • Montserrat González Fernández
    Universidad de Oviedo


In this article we analyze the safeguard process of Asturian educational heritage, which began at the eighties of the 20th century. For reaching this purpose, we have rebuilt its first steps, described the evolution and actual situation from the consolidated museographic collections and the possible effects that they have onto the territory and culture of this region. The exhibited collections have mainly ethnographic character, are settled in a rural habitat and show furniture and basic tools used in the primary education during the 20th century. The analysis recognizes the contributions made by the historians of education as reference knowledge for the school heritage, and suggests the need so that future investigations deal, in a deeper way, with the representation of the objects used in the teaching.
  • Referencias
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Author Biographies

Carmen Diego Pérez

Universidad de Oviedo
Universidad de Oviedo, España.

Montserrat González Fernández

Universidad de Oviedo
Universidad de Oviedo, España.