The Pedagogic and Children Museum of Castilla-La Mancha, an example of interaction with their social environment


The Pedagogic and Children of Castilla-La Mancha Museum, in addition to contributing to the custody and dissemination of educational heritage of our community is, above all, museum and society in which it is immersed, mainly because it allows the –child, youth and adult have experiences and memories that allow you to remember, feel and experience emotions of their ancestors, themselves or other beings visiting and other cultures, distant or close to theirs.
  • Referencias
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Ayuntamiento de Barcelona (1990) La ciudad y la ciudadanía democrática. Barcelona: Ayuntamiento de Barcelona.

Farré-Sanpera, M.ª Carme (1975) Aprender en el museo. Cuadernos de Pedagogía, n.º 2.

Gesché-Knoning, Nicole «Museos y enseñanza de las Ciencias Sociales». Perspectivas de futuro.

Gregorovius, F. (1982) Roma y Atenas en la Edad Media. México: FCE.

Santacana, Joan Museos, ¿al servicio de quién? Revista Iber, 15, 40 y 44.
Peralta Juárez, J. (2017). The Pedagogic and Children Museum of Castilla-La Mancha, an example of interaction with their social environment. Aula, 22, 69–78.


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Author Biography

Juan Peralta Juárez

Museo Pedagógico y del Niño de Castilla-La Mancha
Director del Museo Pedagógico y del Niño de Castilla-La Mancha (Albacete). España.