Participating learning: an experience for youth training in Brazil as social subjects


This paper shows that youth involvement in groups, in this case the public policies that reflect the environment is a fertile opportunity to form social subjects. In this sense, it also shows that non-formal education is, outside of school is an effective tool for behavior change among youth, and in Brazil this kind of public investment contributes significantly to improve the youth level in many ways, particularly in implementing the National Environmental Education Policy, including with respect to the far-reaching policy decisions. The areas of participation, called councils, commissions, conferences, are spaces that primarily exist to perform the role of educator or educational structures space. The existence of these structures such as councils, groups, committees and networks is urgently needed. However, not enough to exert its educational role. It is essential to continuous development and ongoing activities, reflection and action.
  • Referencias
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  • Del mismo autor
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Rodrigues De Matos, Z. M. (2012). Participating learning: an experience for youth training in Brazil as social subjects. Aula, 18, 141–154.


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Author Biography

Zanna Maria Rodrigues De Matos

Secretaría de Medio Ambiente de Bahía
Secretaría de Medio Ambiente de Bahía. Avenida Luis Viana Filho, Avenida 3, N º 390 - Plataforma IV - Ala Norte - CEP: 41745-005. Bahía. Brasil.