Assessment: a Challenge for Esp Practitioners

  • Sonsoles Sánchez-reyes Peñamaría
    Universidad de Salamanca sreyesp[at]
  • Gabriela Torregrosa Benavent
    Universidad de Salamanca


LSP tests are having a growing demand nowadays, especially business English. LSP tests comprise academic and occupational or professional purposes. This article shows an overview of the most important aspects LSP practitioners have to take into account when preparing LSP tests, as they are different from general language ones. LSP tests should be valid to measure the learner’s professional needs in terms of authenticity, and their design would also require the involvement of experts in the field. Teacher assessment has to be systematically complemented by self as well as peer and group assessment. Finally, LSP assessment needs to reach a balance between the evaluation of both process and product as authors highlight.
  • Referencias
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Sánchez-reyes Peñamaría, S., & Torregrosa Benavent, G. (2012). Assessment: a Challenge for Esp Practitioners. Aula, 18, 21–27.


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Author Biographies

Sonsoles Sánchez-reyes Peñamaría

Universidad de Salamanca
Escuela Universitaria de Educacion Y Turismo de Avila – Centralita Madrigal Altas Torres, 3, 05003 Ávila (España)

Gabriela Torregrosa Benavent

Universidad de Salamanca
Escuela Universitaria de Educacion Y Turismo de Avila – Centralita Madrigal Altas Torres, 3, 05003 Ávila (España)