Researching achievement and inclusion to improve the educational experiences and outcomes of all learners

  • Lani Florian
    University of Aberdeen l.florian[at]
  • Martyn Rouse
    University of Aberdeen
  • Kristine Black-Hawkins
    University of Cambridge


This paper considers some of the key issues that must be taken into account when conducting research on inclusive education in an era of standards based reform. It challenges the widely held assumption that high levels of educational inclusion are incompatible with high levels of academic achievement in schools and presents the Framework for Participation, a research tool developed by the authors, which supports practitioners (and other researchers) who wish to examine the development of inclusive practice in their own schools.
  • Referencias
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  • Del mismo autor
  • Métricas
Florian, L., Rouse, M., & Black-Hawkins, K. (2011). Researching achievement and inclusion to improve the educational experiences and outcomes of all learners. Aula, 17, 57–72.


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Author Biographies

Lani Florian

University of Aberdeen
University of Aberdeen. Room 711. School of Education. MacRobert Building. King's College. Aberdeen AB24 5UA (Reino Unido)

Martyn Rouse

University of Aberdeen
University of Aberdeen. Room 711. School of Education. MacRobert Building. King's College. Aberdeen AB24 5UA (Reino Unido)

Kristine Black-Hawkins

University of Cambridge
Faculty of Education, University of Cambridge, 184 Hills Road, Cambridge CB2 8PQ, (Reino Unido)