Bets and dillemas of artistic education at school: dance to debat


After having clarified the representations and practices of the French teachers of Physical Education about the dance, the article defines the stakes of an artistic education in the school in a double aesthetic and cultural aiming. Otherwise, it clarifies knowledge integrated in an artistic practice. This approach supposes to question various styles of dance from the fundamental ones which cross them and their specificities. The study proposes a integrative step making it possible to insert the pupils in an artistic creative process. With final, it is a question of including/understanding the shapes of articulation between technical-expression-creation, of redefining the role of the teacher and of approaching the artistic project in its dimensions formative, expressive and communicative.
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Pérez-Roux, T. (2010). Bets and dillemas of artistic education at school: dance to debat. Aula, 16, 91–111.


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Author Biography

Thérèse Pérez-Roux

Université de Nantes
Laboratoire du Centre de Recherches en Éducation de Nantes, Université de Nantes. Chemin la Censive du Tertre BP 81227 - 44312 Nantes (Francia)