Mind, brain and education


A revision is made on the current of neuroscience contributions to cognition and education inquiry. After analyzing six lines of research —comparing data from behavioural and neuroimage measures— on (a) cognitive processes involved in learning, (b) the interaction between instructional support and learning processes, and (c) the learning outcomes (skills and capabilities) resulting from this complex interaction, two kind of conclusions are drawn about the notions of mind, brain and education research. Several implications for instructional practice are discussed.
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Sánchez Miguel, E. (2010). Mind, brain and education. Aula, 15, 25–46. https://doi.org/10.14201/6947

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Author Biography

Emilio Sánchez Miguel

Universidad de Salamanca
Facultad de Psicología. Universidad de Salamanca. Avda. de la Merced 109-131. 37005 Salamanca (España)