Education for Sustainability: The SDGs Through Gamification in Early Childhood Education

  • Sara Cebrián Cifuentes
    Universidad Católica de Valencia sara.cebrian[at]
  • Ignacio Cano Moya
    Colegio Sagrada Familia de Manises
  • Lourdes Cazorla Granado
    Maestra en Educación Primaria especialista en Audición y Lenguaje
  • Empar Guerrero Valverde
    Universidad Católica de Valencia


In recent years, society has changed at a dizzying pace: customs, lifestyles and teaching-learning processes have evolved at great speed, leading the population to continually face the unknown. This is where the need arises to incorporate information and communication technologies in the education of future citizens, making them participants in their own teaching-learning process through the so-called active methodologies. However, we must not forget the need to develop learning situations that pursue sustainable development at an early age, such as in Early Childhood Education when the contact of the students with the environment is essential and beneficial. For this, qualitative research is carried out based on a literature review on the concept of gamification and sustainable education to finally present a series of gamified experiences that work on the Sustainable Development Goals and its results. After all this, it is concluded that gamification is a methodology that can contribute to the development of the SDGs from the early years because it promotes an aware, responsible and committed society in terms of sustainability.
  • Referencias
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