Influence Mechanisms and Elements of Intercultural Competence in the Education Policy of Unesco and the Council of Europe

  • Adrián Neubauer
    Universidad a Distancia de Madrid, España Adrian.neubauer[at]
  • María Matarranz
    Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, España


Intercultural education is a way of understanding the society in which we live and an essential element for contemporary educational systems. International organizations, aware of the importance of working on the intercultural perspective in the educational sphere, have been working to promote it in their Member States. The main objective of this paper is to identify the mechanisms used by Unesco and the Council of Europe to promote their theoretical and political position on intercultural education. In addition, this research purpose to identify which are, for these organizations, the most important elements of intercultural competence. The method used for the study was documentary analysis with the help of the quantitative-qualitative analysis software MAXQDA Analytics Pro 2022. The results show, fundamentally, the use of the mechanisms of «diffusion» and «imitation» by these International Organizations. In addition, «understanding, comprehension and mutual respect» and «intercultural dialogue» are the most recurrent elements of intercultural competence for Unesco and the Council of Europe.
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