Decolonizing theological education. Towards a decolonial transformation of European theology


In the past, Christianity served to legitimize and expand colonial rule. If at present it intends to be used as a tool for decolonial liberation, it needs a profound and often painful transformation. Academic theological teaching wields a huge responsibility to support this process of transformation and decolonization. Emerging decolonial theologies around the globe can serve as examples and proof that this transformation is possible. To decolonize European theological teaching, it will be necessary to detect and deconstruct the coloniality of its discourses, concepts and epistemologies on the one hand (3.1) and its power structures and ways of using them on the other (3.2). It is necessary to pay attention to and accept the attitudes and acts of resistance that theology encounters in academia and in ecclesial practices (3.3). In addition, theological teaching needs to learn from theological alternatives that are produced in all parts of the world (3.4) so that it can contribute honestly to the decolonial liberation carried out by the previously colonized peoples.
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Author Biography

Stefan Silber

Universidad Católica de Nordrhein-Westfalen